Friday, September 27, 2013

BlueGrass Families,
It is that time of year again that some of our French bulldogs love and others love to hate us. If your French bulldog likes to dress up (and yes some really do!) then send us a picture and the girls will send your Frenchie a yummy all natural pumpkin "treat bag".
Not to leave anyone out, if your Frenchie loves treats but hates to dress up send us a new picture and update on how they are doing and we will send them a yummy pumpkin treat bag too.
BE SURE and put pumpkin treat in the memo line. We save them all together and mail out all at once. IF you have an address change this is a good time to update your family profile on our website so you will get the new 2014 BlueGrass calendar for Christmas!
Hugs to all~ Kay & family

Thursday, September 12, 2013

French Bulldog Poem

I am not a pig, I am not a Pug.
My ears haven’t been cropped,
My tail hasn’t been docked.
I didn’t run into a wall or get hit with a fry pan,
I do not bite,
but my owner is another matter altogether.
That noise is how I breathe—I am not
growling at your child.
I’m not so ugly I’m almost cute,
and anyone who says that is so stupid they're
almost smart.
I am a French Bulldog
and I am perfect in every way!