Thursday, October 31, 2013

French Bulldogs Teach us to "Treat" other With Love...

Treat your loved ones even better than they deserve
We should all aspire to be the types of people our French bulldogs think we are. The boost I get from my Frenchies’s adoration reminds me to give that gift to others.
Speaking of Treats I hope that everyone that sent us a picture of their French Bulldog in their Halloween costume enjoyed the yummy Grandma Lucy's all natural pumpkins treats that we mailed out!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

French Bulldogs Need Exercise

Prioritize exercise
We live in a stressful world. Exercise is a great way to fight back against tension in our lives and also to have meaningful time with loved ones away from computers, phones and other distractions. I think most dogs would agree that we would all be better off if we spent more time together on walks. So grab your French bulldog and go for a nice walk together.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Things We can Learn from our French Bulldogs...

Forgive mistakes
No matter what we humans do...whether we are scooting our dogs from comfortable seats in front of the television or going on walks or jogs without them (when the weather is too hot or cold for them). Our dogs never hold a grudge. They forgive us our failings and don't dwell on our wrongs. With Frenchies I will have to admit that they do at times give us that look that makes me feel guilty about whatever it is but then all they want is just a little loving and all is right again!